ICLUE Schubert calculus and geometry Summer 2023 (May 15-July 15, 2023)

Instructor: Alexander Yong ayong@math.uiuc.edu

Locations: Everitt 3117 (May 15-19), Everitt 2101 (May 22-26), Lincoln Hall 1066 (May 30-June 12), and then the Schubert conference at UIUC

The goal of this program was to offer a ``pre-school'' for the Schubert conference to be held at UIUC; both programs were supported in part by an NSF RTG in Combinatorics.


Casey Appleton, Tasha Fellman, Alex Jin, Dylan Roscow, David Wallach, Maya Viswanathan

together with:

graduate students -- Shiliang Gao, Abigail Price, Ryan Roach, Ada Stelzer

postdocs -- Avery St. Dizier, Elizabeth Kelley

Scribe notes and other documents are in UI Box.